Online and Offline Docs: Extensive documentation for the base language, as well as all included packages allow you to be productive while connected or disconnected.Komodo IDE: Complimentary license for ActiveState’s cross-platform, polyglot IDE.Commercial Support & Maintenance: Email and/or phone support with guaranteed response times, accompanied by regular maintenance releases, security patches and updates.Pre-verified: All modules have been verified to ensure against outdated or vulnerable versions, as well as incompatibility or improper licensing.Pre-compiled: All of our third-party modules included have been pre-compiled and pre-integrated to ensure compatibility and optimization between all components.Decrease Risk: commercial-grade support and maintenance for business & mission-critical applications.Accelerate time-to-market: pre-compiled, security-scanned so you can get started with coding.Lower TCO: standardized distribution decreases installation and deployment overhead.TclPro was released open source following the acquisition. Tcl Dev Kit extends the functionality of the original TclPro toolset with tool UIs, code coverage and profiling, cross-reference tool, VFS explorer, improved executable builder, Tcl 8.4/8.5 support, and overall quality improvements. Only then are the modules incorporated into the distribution through a process of rigorous testing, patching and optimization to ensure compatibility and performance. ActiveState now offers Tcl Dev Kit (based upon TclPro). The ActiveTcl distribution features popular third-party modules, all of which have been carefully curated for license compliance and stale-dated components that may arise from lack of community support. Getting started with coding in Tcl easy - ActiveTcl is optimized to run consistently across your operating systems, with popular modules precompiled so you don’t have to do the plumbing to get started. When developing applications or writing scripts, 97% of the Fortune 1000 think of ActiveState.
Activetcl license software#
To ensure that enterprises can safely adopt open source software (OSS) like Tcl in their mission critical systems, ActiveState has been in the business of providing supported, community-derived OSS language distributions for more than 20 years. ActiveTcl is a precompiled, cross-platform, secure way for developers and engineers to work with Tcl from desktop to production to embedded in systems.